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Family History Hounds

Family History Hounds

The Family History Hounds genealogy group will meet Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 1:00pm in the McMillan meeting room for our monthly program. This month we’ll hear from Jeannie Regan-Dinuis of Crown Hill Cemetery.

Cemetery Symbolism: Remembering with Art
Cemeteries tell us much about who came before us.  The size, shape and documentation vary from religious groups, time period, and location.  But all are important outdoor museums.  The symbols and markings that individuals put on their stones reveal much about the individual and family.  Jeannie Regan-Dinius, Director of Historic Preservation for Crown Hill Foundation will discuss the understood meanings of the most common symbols found on tombstones in Indiana, how pop culture affects stones, and what you need to look at when you walk through a cemetery.

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