01 Nov National Radiologic Technology Week
Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library Receives National Grant To Highlight Science Advances in Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Procedures
The Library is taking part in National Radiologic Technology Week®, an annual event that recognizes the vital work of the nation’s medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals. The library was one of a handful of facilities in the United States selected to receive a grant from the ASRT National Library Partnership to purchase books that focus on radiologic technology’s role in health care and society.
Sponsored by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, the celebration takes place each year during the week that includes Nov. 8 to commemorate the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on Nov. 8, 1895. This year’s event takes place Nov. 4-10.
To celebrate, the Library has created book displays for adults and children that highlight the history of the radiologic sciences, technology advances from the past century, and information about radiologic technology.
ASRT is the world’s largest radiologic science organization, representing more than 155,000 radiologic technologists, the professionals who perform medical imaging and radiation therapy procedures.
Library systems in more than a dozen states will also host displays during National Radiologic Technology Week. Follow their progress and see the displays at #ASRTLovesLibraries on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.