02 Mar Teen Writing Club
Did you know that writing isn’t just for school? It can also be a creative outlet or a way to spend time with friends. Join other teens and write for fun at our new program, Teen Writing Club! We will meet every month, and by participating teens will be able to increase their own writing skills and learn how to give constructive feedback to other writers.
Each program will give teens an opportunity to practice a different type of story, allowing teens to discover the type of writing that fits their talents and personality. For instance, we’ll learn how to write flash fiction–very brief stories. And during the summer, we’ll write fractured fairy tales and tall tales to tie into the Summer Reading Club theme, Imagine Your Story.
Writers of all experience levels are welcome! Whether you are a hobbyist who wants to try something new with friends, or an aspiring published author, join us for the Teen Writing Club at PGTPL. Everyone has a unique voice, and writing is a great way to show everyone your voice!
Teen Writing Club Dates
Monday, March 9, 2020
3:15-4:15p in Teen Central
Monday, April 6, 2020
3:15-4:15p in West Meeting Room
Monday, May 4, 2020
3:15-4:15p in Teen Central
Monday, June 1, 2020
1:30-2:30 in Teen Central
Monday, July 6, 2020
1:30-2:30p in Teen Central
Find more information about all of our teen programs at the PGTPL Event Calendar!