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Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure

Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure

Book Cover; Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure

Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure by Camille Andros, illustrated by Brianne Farley

Charlotte is a rabbit who lives in the woods with her family, where everything is good. She enjoys science and even has her own lab to do experiments and research. Her grandpa, a retired doctor, has come to live with the family. He visits Charlotte in her lab every day and every day he tells Charlotte, “You are going to make a real difference in the world.”

Then Grandpa and many of the other woodland creatures get sick and no one knows why or what to do. A team of doctors arrives to check on Grandpa. Charlotte wants to help them, but they dismiss her and tell her that it’s grownup work.

But Charlotte is determined to work on testing and researching. She wants to learn what is happening, and how to help the sick animals. With perseverance and dedication, she keeps working to find a cure.

This story is very timely! It is also a great overview of how scientists observe and experiment to help find causes and cures for illness. If you have a child interested in how science and medical research works, this would be a great place to start. Charlotte is a persistent and likable character who cares about the animals around her, and the illustrations are warm and detailed.

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