25 Aug Happy Birthday Mary Shelley!
Mary Shelley, the “mother” of science fiction, is best known for her novel Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein is a scientist determined to bring one of his experiments to life. When he’s finally successful, Frankenstein rejects the monstrosity he created, sparking a series of events that has entertained readers for centuries. To celebrate Mary Shelley’s birthday on August 30th, we’ve curated a list of Mary Shelley biographies and Frankenstein adaptations for your enjoyment. Click on the item title to place a hold on a physical copy through the Evergreen Catalog.
Mary Shelley biographies:
In Search of Mary Shelley, Fiona Sampson
Frankenstein and book adaptations:
Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus: the original two-volume novel, Mary Shelley
Frankenstein: the graphic novel, Joe Sutliff Sanders
Frankenstein movie adaptations:
The Bride of Frankenstein (1999)