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Teen Writing Tips: Crafting Your Own Story

Teen Writing Tips: Crafting Your Own Story

Canva graphic, a pair of hands writing in a notebook.

Writer’s block is a tough thing to beat– especially when you want to write, but can’t think of anything! Never fear, here are a few tips to get writer’s block out of the way!

Write what you want to happen.

  • This may sound counterintuitive, but this is meant to be taken very literally. When writing, it is sometimes easy to get too caught up on the details. Instead of stressing over the specifics, describe what happens in very literal terms, and then move on to continue writing. By doing this, your momentum does not stop! Furthermore, you may even get the ideas you need to finish your thoughts as you continue to write. 
  • Example: The ground shakes violently, and Corey is trapped by the rubble. The pain rocketing up his leg is agonizing, but he still needs to find Chance. – Corey escapes the rock pinning his leg. It is super cool. – “Chance? Can you hear me?” He shouts into the darkness, but it only echoes back at him. He hopes his friend is safe.

Word Dump/Word Vomit

  • It sounds gross, but this is a very common method to just get words out there. When you have thought, write it down without stopping. Don’t fix spelling mistakes, or grammar! Just keep going until you’re finished. It might look ugly, but the point is to get it out – making it pretty comes later!

Outline your work

  • Making an outline is a great way to mitigate the possibility of plot holes or other hazards. Having a written plan for your work also makes it much easier to not feel lost while writing– keeping you moving in the right direction.

Take inspiration from your favorite books

  • Take a look at your favorite books for inspiration! How does your favorite author write? How is their writing paced? What are their characters like? Ask yourself why you like their writing– figure out what makes it work for you. Once you’ve done that, emulate it! Doing so, you’ll likely find your own unique style.

Check out some guides

There are many writing guides available in Teen Central! If these tips aren’t enough, give these reads a shot:


-Written by Ajax, Teen Central Library Assistant

Image from Canva


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