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Graphic Novels for All

Graphic Novels for All

Comics, visual novels, manga, manhwa, and graphic novels each may go by different names, but they all have one main thing in common: they tell compelling stories both visually and through written text. Graphic novels are able to tell deep and complex stories that are easy to read through in a short amount of time, in comparison to traditional novels, which has been found to be a big plus for reluctant readers. Graphic novels can even be used as a way to bridge into traditional novels, especially for students who may find such books intimidating or feel they don’t have the time to sit down with a book. Graphic Novels are a boon to those who struggle with reading comprehension. According to United through Reading, “Graphic Novels significantly enhance reading comprehension and vocabulary. The combination of visual and textual storytelling helps readers decode complex narratives.” In other words, being able to not only read what a character says but also having a visual representation of the situation provides additional context clues and a deeper understanding. Graphic Novels aren’t just limited to modern stories either. Many classic novels have been adapted to the format, including but not limited to The Odyssey, The Count of Monte Cristo, Fahrenheit 451, Dracula, and Anne of Green Gables, just to name a few.

Graphic Novels are more than just comics or picture books; they’re an important addition to our ever-expanding world of literature.

Check out some of our favorite graphic novels!

Akane-Banashi, Vol. 1 by Yuki Suenage

Numb to This by Kindra Neely

Ms. Marvel by Saladin Ahmed

Call the Name of the Night, Vol 1. by Tama Mitsuboshi 

The Last Session, Vol. 1 by Jasmine Walls


-written by Alex B, Teen Central Library Assistant

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