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April 1st was National Census Day!  Everyone counts! What does that mean and why is it important?  When you respond to the census, you tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020, and include everyone living in your home on that...

As the Irish-American poet Thomas Augustine Daly said, "For the whole world is Irish on the seventeenth o' March!"  In celebration of the Emerald Isle we have plenty of materials available, from online databases to novels, from children’s stories to e-books.  Here are just a...

The Start of a New Series! The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin: Three-time Hugo Award winner Jemisin introduces us to a fantastical New York City in this staggering series starter! New York is literally alive and its very soul is being threatened by a malevolent...

At our last Open Game Night, we played Wingspan, the Connoisseur-level Game of the Year (Kennerspeil des Jahre) surprise hit from 2019.  Wingspan is an "engine-building" or Euro-style game wherein players work towards goals (some goals are common to all players and some are private...

If you love to cook (or just eat!), then the Cookbook Book Club is one that you will enjoy. This informal group meets at the library every other month, with each person bringing a dish to share from a chosen theme. We put out all...

Our One Town, One Read book discussion sessions are about to begin! We've enjoyed reading Shakespeare Saved My Life  by author Laura Bates, and we hope you have, too. Please consider joining us for a book discussion with a PGTPL staff member. Read on to find a...

As we approach the Oscars on Sunday, February 9, be sure to check out some of the most favored films of the year! The library has several nominees that are already in the collection, and we will be sure to add the rest as they...

It’s winter. It’s probably cold and snowy and windy. But then again, this is Indiana, so the weather is probably just plain strange. Here are some exciting upcoming books to keep you warm and cozy inside.   The Thrill of Being a Trophy Wife...

On Your Mark, Get Set, Goals! As 2019 winds down and we think about 2020 resolutions, it's a good time to start thinking about reading goals. Creating a list of books for the new year is very exciting and there are many reading challenges available to...

  Your heated car seats are toasty warm, you’ve picked up a delicious coffee drink, and the kids are snuggled in their car seats. Instead of getting out of your vehicle: why not simply pull up to the library and pick up your materials with our...

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