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PGTPL now offers a Digital Library Card available to the residents of Guilford Township in Hendricks County. You must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid email address.  Get A Digital Library Card To apply for the card, fill out this form. Once you...

For a limited time Tumblebooks is offering free and unrestricted access to their audiobooks and eBooks! You don't have to have your library card, and you can access it from anywhere. What's Available: NEW Audio Book Cloud Audiobooks and eBooks for students and schools, with opportunities for entertainment...

We may be closed, but PGTPL is proud to run our virtual BATTLE OF THE BOOKS!!!! Starting Thursday, March 19, we will post books that are battling head-to-head, and see which one comes out on top as the community's favorite. Follow us and participate on...

In the interest of public health, the library is operating with reduced activity and implementing increased sanitation protocols. All events, meeting room reservations, and library activities have been cancelled through April 6....

As the Irish-American poet Thomas Augustine Daly said, "For the whole world is Irish on the seventeenth o' March!"  In celebration of the Emerald Isle we have plenty of materials available, from online databases to novels, from children’s stories to e-books.  Here are just a...

Did you know that writing isn’t just for school? It can also be a creative outlet or a way to spend time with friends. Join other teens and write for fun at our new program, Teen Writing Club! We will meet every month, and by...

The Start of a New Series! The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin: Three-time Hugo Award winner Jemisin introduces us to a fantastical New York City in this staggering series starter! New York is literally alive and its very soul is being threatened by a malevolent...

If you love to cook (or just eat!), then the Cookbook Book Club is one that you will enjoy. This informal group meets at the library every other month, with each person bringing a dish to share from a chosen theme. We put out all...

ReferenceUSA is a business and consumer research database, which allows users to locate people, search for executives, create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, compile mailing lists, search for jobs, search for doctors and dentists, and much more. Data can then be exported into spreadsheets and...

Our One Town, One Read book discussion sessions are about to begin! We've enjoyed reading Shakespeare Saved My Life  by author Laura Bates, and we hope you have, too. Please consider joining us for a book discussion with a PGTPL staff member. Read on to find a...

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