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Historical fiction is an interesting genre because it can come to be in two different ways. The first way is that someone writes a contemporary story about a time of the past. The second is when a book’s once-contemporary content becomes a part of history....

  Spring is in the air! It is time to plant flowers and admire all the beautiful things Spring and nature have to offer! Below are some books from our collection that highlight Spring gardening, Spring and the power of persistence. Books to read together Spring Parade by...

Spring feels like it has fully sprung when trees begin their regrowth of beautiful new leaves. This Try at Home craft can be done any time of the year, all you need are the following materials: Paper Crayons Tape Assortment of leaves Follow these simple steps...

  April showers bring May flowers! When it rains, the grass grows, flowers bloom, and puddles are there for everyone to jump in! Check out these picture books about spring, rain, and growing plants!  Split! Splat!  by Amy Gibson; Illustrated by Steve Bjorkman Sing a little rain song with...

Young children learn a lot from music, especially when you sing to and with them. Singing is one of the five main early literacy skills: Read, Write, Sing, Talk, Play. Include singing in your everyday life with your young child, as you ride in the...

A lot of times, sentence structure can be a difficult topic to learn about. Having a grammatical foundation early on can really help with understanding what makes a sentence! Luckily, you don’t have to start by explaining the complex stuff like the present perfect progressive tense....

The Tea Dragon Society Author and illustrator Kay O’Neill transports readers into a cozy fantasy world in their middle-grade graphic novel trilogy: The Tea Dragon Series. The series begins with the first installment, The Tea Dragon Society, which follows Greta, a young girl of goblin ancestry...

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that 1991 was over 30 years ago, but it's true. And with the 90s came some great cartoons! Check out these shows that you may want to watch again with your kids (or even without)! Rugrats Join Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, and...

Here at PGTPL, all of our programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are focused on building early literacy skills. But why are they so important?  What are the 5 early literacy skills? Based on the Every Child Ready to Read approach, we emphasize five early literacy skills:...

Is your child interested in food? PGTPL has a great collection of cookbooks, but we also have other interesting books about food that you and your child might enjoy.   Books to Try Pizza, Peanut Butter, and Pickles. Part of the My Weird School Fast Facts series by...

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