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There are some very fun things you can do at the Imagination Hub right now! These folks were especially intrigued by the flannel nursery rhymes, the hidden dinosaurs you reveal by brushing away the sand, and the pop-up stick puppet turtle craft. The activities at...

Calling all Whovians! Head to the library Thursday, August 21 for a Dr. Who party! Whovians of all ages and time periods are welcome, so hop in your Tardis and meet us at 6:00pm. The program is free and registration is not required. See you...

Our annual Cool Back-to-School Party is just around the corner! Join us Wednesday, August 13 from 5:30-7:00pm for pizza, activities, and more!...

There's always something fun to do at the Imagination Hub! The things there change. Right now, there are Lincoln Logs, a monkey alphabet puzzle, door hanger craft, felt 2-D blocks with patterns to try, and some mega blocks. Often, Miss Laura will have an 'Art Zone'...

Support the library through your Barnes & Noble purchase at Frozen Friday: Cool Off With Olaf on  August 1st! Joanna, Kate, and Laura B from the library will be at the Metropolis Barnes & Noble from 11:00am - 8:00pm on Friday, August 1st. Disney's Frozen is the...

The Indiana Historical Society is offering free admission to the Indiana Experience (it's interactive history presentation) on the following weekends:  May 30-31, June 27-29, July 25-27, and August 29-30. Just print off this picture (click here if you're having trouble) and present it at the...

Friday, July 25 we're showing Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 as part of our Summer Reading Movie Series. Join us at 6:00pm for the film and feel free to bring your own food experiments in a picnic dinner and blanket to lounge on! Picking up precisely...

I am very excited about two novels coming out later this summer. (I am also annoyed that one of the books soon to be released is not The Winds of Winter by George R.R. Martin, but that is for a different post.) The first novel, The...

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