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Hoopla is a streaming video, music and audiobook service bringing thousands of movies, TV shows, full music albums, and audiobooks directly to your computer or mobile device! When you first visit Hoopla, be sure to sign up with an email address, your library card number...

September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day! Did you know that Mango - our language learning service - has lessons in speaking Pirate? They do! Be sure to check them out this month....

Did you know the library can help you locate historic marriage records from Hendricks County? Index to Marriage Records Hendricks County, Indiana SEARCH DATABASE This project was originally indexed by the Indiana W.P.A.  Original records are located in the Hendricks County Clerk's Office, Danville, IN. For information on...

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is a fast paced action-adventure story set in a future dystopic America, complete with shanty-town-skyscrapers made from mobile homes and armored bus service between cities to guard against roving bands of highwaymen and thieves. Good stuff in and of...

We still have more Little Free Libraries to decorate before they go out into the community. Help us decorate two more libraries with old books, book covers, and mod podge. The library will provide all the necessary supplies, we just need your hands! Join us Monday,...

  This is Jerome, the library gnome. He has been hiding around the Children's Room this summer as part of the 'Dig Into Reading' theme. Kids who find Jerome tell a library staffer, then get a prize from the treasure chest. A lot of kids have...

If you've never visited the campus of Butler University and enjoyed an evening at the Holcomb Observatory, you really should! It's free (though they do suggest a donation) and fun, and on a clear night, the observatory's telescope will be directed at Venus, Saturn, Jupiter...

[caption id="attachment_349" align="alignright" width="300"] An example of LibraryThing's cover display - a fun way to look at your collection![/caption] Ever browse the library's shelves, find a book and wonder if you've already read the book? LibraryThing is a great service to organize your personal library, keep...

If you love history and looking at nostalgic photographs, you'll want to check out these new pictorial books on Plainfield and Hendricks County, Indiana.  The library has several copies in the collection--if they're all checked out, be sure to place a hold through Evergreen so...

Head up the stairs and check out the "Meet Me at the Fair" display featuring art by Wyatt LeGrand. [wowslider id="3"]...

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