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Looking for a way to keep track of what books you read? Ever checked out a book from the library, got home and started reading it, only to realize "I've already read this!"Let me suggest something to help.LibraryThing is a simple and cheap way to...

The library has over 100,000 books in its collection and thousands more at other libraries in the Evergreen Indiana consortium! Let us help you find that next great read or use some of our databases - like eSequels - to browse through authors, their series...

March is a great month for mysteries. It is still cold enough to want to stay indoors and snuggle up with a good “cozy” mystery. Mysteries intrigue the reader as they become more and more engrossed in the story and try to solve...

If you have “cabin fever” you will enjoy the new books coming out. Books by Lisa Kleypas and J.D. Robb should please their readers. Kleypas’s book Crystal Cove continues the Friday Harbor series and Robb’s book Calculated In Death continues the In Death series. So...

A fascinating story out of Britain today: the remains of the last Plantagenet king, Richard III, have been identified after being discovered under a municipal parking lot. Richard was killed in battle against Henry Tudor (subsequently known at King Henry VII) and the whereabouts of...

Five living US presidents. In just a few days, Barack Obama will be inaugurated for a second term as President of the United States. All politics aside, the peaceful and orderly investing of power (or in this case, the re-investing of power) that happens every...

It’s almost here, Anglophiles! Season 3 of Downton Abbey begins on Sunday January 6!If you want to enhance your Downton experience or find a fix for those days when the suspense around Matthew and Lady Mary's romance just isn't enough, you might enjoy some...

Once upon a time…Father Goose visited the Plainfield Library…and he's back again, inviting you to participate in the magical fun as our beloved nursery rhymes and fairy tales get a Mother Goose-approved make-over from musician/magician, Paul Odenwelder. Children of all ages are invited to join...

Have the holidays exhausted you? Are you ready for 2013? Have you made any resolutions for the new year? It's time for our annual Winter Reading Club! This year's theme is Resolve to Read in 2013! The program will run from Monday, January 14 through Thursday,...

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