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'Tis the season for awesome movies! I am a big fan of movies in general but I have a special place for holiday movies. Cold weather, hot cocoa and a good Christmas movie can be just the ticket to get in the holiday spirit this...

Graphic Novels! It’s not just for Superheroes! Did you know that graphic novels go beyond superhero comics? Many of the titles in our collection tell wonderful stories without a cape in sight. Here are 20 of my favorite non-superhero graphic novels. I Kill Giants...

What's your favorite holiday book to read as a family? Need some ideas for holiday books to read together?Three of everyone's favorite children's room staff members have compiled their five favorite holiday books to read with families or children. Check out Laura's, Jan's, and Brenda's...

Nobody ever says they want to write the great American short story. Or the great American novella. It’s the novel, always the novel. This is a shame. These literary forms - the short story and the novella - can be every bit...

Did you know that November has been declared Picture Book Month? This is great news here in the Children's Room because we love picture books of all types. Here are a few of my personal favorites—feel free to chime in with yours!Caps for Sale by...

Every Child is an Artist!There’s an art wall by the project table in the Children’s Room, where kids can always find supplies to sit down and make something creative. They can take their projects home, leave them to display, or make two, one to take...

One of the many passions I share with my mother, who is also a librarian, is knitting. I can remember her teaching me, just as her father taught her, how to knit as a child. Before learning to knit I would sit beside her and...

Fifty years ago, long before the Lemony Snicket books were written, Joan Aiken published the first in her Wolves Chronicles series. Set in an alternate England where James III rules and wolves roam the countryside, The Wolves of Willoughby Chase has a wonderful combination of...

Happy Banned Books Week!One challenged title that’s near and dear to my heart is Looking for Alaska by John Green. Alaska follows Miles Halter as he starts his junior year at Culver Creek Preparatory School. For the first time Miles has friends, and life after...

A Wrinkle in Time won the Newbery Medal in 1963. It is a book filled with magic, mystery, and adventure, but the very core of it is the simple quest of a girl wanting nothing more than to find her father- a scientist who disappears...

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