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People that follow me on Facebook or Twitter know that I am a hardcore vegetable advocate. I don’t eat a 100% vegetarian diet, but I would rather eat roasted Brussels sprouts any day than a hamburger. Here are some of my favorite vegetarian/vegan cookbooks that...

There are a lot of new picture books every year, and competition for sales is intense. Many new picture books are really written to appeal to adults who shop for books, and they are sophisticated, full of references to other things and jokes that kids...

One Fine DayThis is one of my favorite romantic comedies. Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney are both amazing in this movie as they play characters who get thrown together for a day when they need help finding a babysitter for their children. They end up...

Hello! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Courtney, the Teen Services Coordinator. I spend the majority of my time back in area T. My job offers me the awesome opportunity to order all of the teen fiction for the library as well...

If you have been in the Children's Room lately, you probably had to walk around our shiny new display, the Gold Patchouli each: by with get a prescription for reglan otherwise lubricants sildenafil 50 mg was and from BUYER...

Do you enjoy reading fantasy? What about historical fiction? If you’re a fan of both, you might enjoy one of these historical fantasies, books that have fantastic elements but which are based on historical events. Some books are set in a place almost the same...

There’s nothing I like better than to curl up with a good, curious mystery book.  Whether it’s during my lunch break, on the couch in the evening, just before bed, on an airplane, on the beach, in a waiting room…doesn’t matter where.  I love a...

Working upstairs in Administration at the library means I don’t always have the opportunity to meet everyone, so I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Jessica, and I am the Financial Manager. Once a month I have the privilege of helping out downstairs,...

Documentaries are my favorite films.  When I was a student at IU, I was lucky enough to take a class that focused entirely on the documentary style.  It opened me up to a whole new world of entertainment!  Last fall, one of my favorite filmmakers,...

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