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                     It’s springtime and what better way to enjoy the weather than to enjoy time outside with your kids!  They will soak up that Vitamin D and avoid...

My curiosity regarding serial killers began during my second semester at Marian College in 2004. I was taking a speech class and we all were given an assignment where we were to present an informational speech. I had recently read an article on a serial...

Some very plain books have wonderful, exciting stories inside. That’s why we say "Never judge a book by the cover." It’s true of people too, that’s why we say "Still waters run deep."But let’s face it, when it comes to picking library books, what the...

Dave "The Tie Guy"As anyone can tell, I like working at the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library. I have worked here for years, starting off as a page in high school and becoming a full time employee in 2004. When I started, the library had just...

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