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I Spy Summer Edition is here! Stop by the Imagination Hub in the Children's Room to find all the things on the list, including ten ladybugs, two slices of watermelon...

[caption id="attachment_4480" align="alignnone" width="300"] This week, the story was Officer Buckle and Gloria, about helpful, worried Officer Buckle and his school visits with his zany, dramatic dog who acts out the safety tips.[/caption] Lunch bunch has started! In Plainfield, Lunch Bunch is Tuesdays and Thursdays at...

This year the Summer Reading Club has a new format - bingo card! In the Children's Room, lots of people have been asking about three of the squares. The first square says Leave something at a Little Free Library. The LFLs are a way of reaching into...

It always fun to see the focus and intensity of kids at the monthly 'Build-a-Mania' Lego program. The kids build with our vast collection of random Lego piece, and we display their work in the display case for a month. The program is the first...

[caption id="attachment_4443" align="alignleft" width="300"] Do you have a summer break checklist? Come in early and start checking things off! We're always here to help you find things.[/caption]...

She was stocking up for someone who loves to hear stories. 50 books in three weeks is just 2.38 skinny books a day. Did you know you can check out 100 books on your library card?...

I recently had the opportunity to take a train to Oregon, a 40 hour journey. Most might balk at the thought of trundling along at 70 mph, making stops every hour or two along the way, and occasionally getting delayed by freight trains stuck in...

[caption id="attachment_4409" align="alignleft" width="300"] Glad you liked it, Bella![/caption] [caption id="attachment_4410" align="alignleft" width="300"] You can make up a theory about what this note is about! Thanking the author for writing it?[/caption]...

At the Imagination Hub there are always things laid out to do that are fun and educational. Things change fairly often, so unless you visit the library all the time (as some do) there will usually be something new. There are craft programs scheduled there and...

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