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Kanopy Videos for Teens

Kanopy Videos for Teens

Teens, did you know your library card allows you to access thousands of movies online? Kanopy is a completely free digital streaming service available to library card holders. With over 30,000 titles, there’s something for everyone!

How Does it Work?

Watching videos through Kanopy only takes a few easy clicks!

First, access Kanopy through the library website.

Then, enter your library card number.

Finally, create an account and get to watching!

Cardholders can check out 10 videos per month with a 3-day watch window for every video checked out.

More Than Movies

In addition to fun movie genres, Kanopy also offers great educational resources. You can choose from a vast selection of documentaries. Viewers can stay updated on current events or deep dive into fun topics like video games.

Titles to Check Out

Straws is a powerful documentary about plastic straws and other forms of plastic pollution that inundate our waterways and oceans.

I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO is an Oscar-nominated documentary narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. It explores the continued peril America faces from institutionalized racism.

Minecraft: Through the Nether Portal takes you on a journey through the ever-evolving, epic game of Minecraft.

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