24 Nov Library Open for Socially Distanced Lobby Service
Due to the increase of COVID cases in Hendricks County, the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library has made the difficult decision to return to limited lobby services beginning Monday, November 30. Our hours will be Monday-Friday, 9a-6p; Saturday, 9a-2p; and Sunday, 1-5p. Executive Order 20-48 requires face coverings to enter the library.
How do I get materials?
The library will have a limited collection in the lobby for check-out. For specific items, you can also place holds using our online catalog, the Evergreen Indiana mobile app, or call us at 317-839-6602. Please note that due to quarantine, items may not be immediately available.
After you’ve placed your item(s) on hold, you will receive a notification when it’s ready for pickup. Once you’ve received a notification, come see us in the main lobby where we will have socially distanced check-out stations available. If you’re not comfortable coming into the lobby, please call us at 317-839-6602, and staff will bring your items out to you.
Need materials for children? Let us gather books and resources for you! Collection Kits are available; you can fill out the form at plainfieldlibrary.net/kids/educator-resources/collection-request.
Don’t forget that the online library is never closed! You can access our digital resources at plainfieldlibrary.net/digital-resources. Need a library card? Visit bit.ly/PGTPLDigitalCard to get started.
How do I return materials?
Please return your items via the outside book drop or the temporary book drop located in the lobby. All returned items will be checked in and quarantined for seven days.
What other services are available?
- Can I print, fax, and make copies?
- Yes! Please email your file(s) to askus@plainfieldlibrary.net. Include the number of copies you need, the fax number, and any other printing instructions you may have.
- Can I use a computer?
- We’ll have computers available in the second-floor meeting rooms that are limited to one-hour sessions on a first come, first serve basis.
- Are meeting rooms and study rooms available?
- Meeting rooms and study rooms are not available at this time.
- Can I bring in donations?
- We are not accepting any donations at this time.
- Are you offering programs?
- While we are not offering in-person programs, you can still join us for virtual programs! We have exciting new programs coming your way soon. Visit plainfieldlibrary.libnet.info/events for upcoming programs.
- Can I connect to Wi-Fi from outside the building?
- Our Wi-Fi reaches out to our parking lot. Park near the building to connect; you don’t need a password! Look for PPLPUBLIC in your available networks.
We are still here to answer your questions! Give us a call or email us at askus@plainfieldlibrary.net. We are always happy to help.