11 Mar Neighborhood Changes!
It’s time for a refresh of the neighborhoods in the Children’s Room! A ‘neighborhood’ is a handy collection of books that are in high demand and otherwise would be cataloged by author and format all around the room. There are various Concept, Popular Character and Holiday neighborhoods.
From time to time, we take a look at the neighborhoods; are there things that should change? It seems like time to disband a few neighborhoods that aren’t moving much. That will make space for the Concept neighborhoods to move into front-facing bins instead of spine-out on a shelf.
The 123, ABC, Colors, Letter Sounds, Potty, and Shapes neighborhoods will become easier to find and flip through.
So, say goodbye to the Doc McStuffins, Fancy Nancy, Magic School Bus, Money, Pokemon, and Time neighborhoods. We will still have the books, they just won’t be gathered together. Ask a staff member to help you find them; we’ll be happy to help!
These Popular Character neighborhoods will move around a little: Amelia Bedelia, American Girl, Lego, Minecraft, Princess, Daniel Tiger, Dr. Seuss, Mo Willems (Includes Elephant and Piggie books,) Pete the Cat, Thomas the Tank Engine, Star Wars, and Superheroes.
And finally, mysteriously, the Search-and-Find books (I Spy and Where’s Waldo) have moved to a new home. You can find it by seeking and finding… or ask if you prefer.