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adult books Tag

Join us on Facebook for our first-ever online book club! Each month we'll vote on a book to read and discuss within our Facebook Group.   We know it isn't always possible to get together in-person to discuss books...

Join us on Tuesday, September 2 from 6:30-7:30 at Black Swan Brew Pub for Books on Tap! This book club will meet once monthly to celebrate and discuss the finer things...

Much to my chagrin now, I remember once in high school doing a book report on Shadows of the Empire, a novel expanding (fairly well, I might add) on the stories laid out in George Lucas' Star Wars trilogy. Heavy stuff, all those lightsabers and...

The weather is turning colder, Halloween is around the corner, so why not curl up with a good, spooky book I'm not one for lots of blood and gore, but there are plenty of thrilling reads that will be leave you afraid of the dark! The...

Author Tom Clancy has died at the age of 66. Clancy's books set a very high standard for military/political thrillers, and his 1984 novel The Hunt for Red October remains one of the best military thrillers ever. His latest (and presumably final) book - Command Authority...

The Library in Spring.So spring took a little longer getting here this year. But now that’s it’s here - for good this time-  it’s time to get busy. The library has lots of resources to help you shake off the winter cold...

Spring is such a beautiful time of year with everything turning green and starting to bloom!  Stuart Woods new book is titled UnintendedConsequences.  Daddy’s Gone a Hunting by Mary Higgins Clark, and Protector by C. J. Cherryh are also new arrivals..  Other new books by Nora...

March is a great month for mysteries. It is still cold enough to want to stay indoors and snuggle up with a good “cozy” mystery. Mysteries intrigue the reader as they become more and more engrossed in the story and try to solve...

If you have “cabin fever” you will enjoy the new books coming out. Books by Lisa Kleypas and J.D. Robb should please their readers. Kleypas’s book Crystal Cove continues the Friday Harbor series and Robb’s book Calculated In Death continues the In Death series. So...

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