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children’s programs Tag

Bring the whole family for a fun and safe indoor trick-or-treat experience at your Library! Local businesses, organizations and Library staff will be giving out goodies at more than 25 trick-or-treat stops, including a Monster Mini Golf hole! Come in costume and get ready for an evening...

It always fun to see the focus and intensity of kids at the monthly 'Build-a-Mania' Lego program. The kids build with our vast collection of random Lego piece, and we display their work in the display case for a month. The program is the first...

It's spring; time to move away from snow projects! Here's a fun rain  craft you might try at home sometime. It wasn't rainy when a whole bunch of kids gathered to make them, but it did rain later in the day.   ...

What would you build with marshmallows and coffee stir sticks, and how would you make it strong? That was the experiment at the latest STEAM program (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Math.) If you have marshmallows or apple chunks and toothpicks, you can try this at home. There are lots more...

The 3rd Annual Plainfield Arts Gala is just around the corner, and we need your child's help...

In December, the library goes gingerbread-y. There is a gingerbread house making contest and a felt gingerbread house in the Children's Room to play with. The highlight is three sessions of the big Gingerbread House Decorating program  which has been happening for 14 years. Big...

Start a new family tradition this Holiday season at the library! Meet us Thursday, December 4th, anytime between 4:00pm - 7:00pm to decorate a ceramic cookie plate and enjoy other festivities! Celebrate the winter season with an evening at the library full of crafts, stories, and merry-making....

Our annual Cool Back-to-School Party is just around the corner! Join us Wednesday, August 13 from 5:30-7:00pm for pizza, activities, and more!...

There's always something fun to do at the Imagination Hub! The things there change. Right now, there are Lincoln Logs, a monkey alphabet puzzle, door hanger craft, felt 2-D blocks with patterns to try, and some mega blocks. Often, Miss Laura will have an 'Art Zone'...

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