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Readers’ Advisory Tag

Author Tom Clancy has died at the age of 66. Clancy's books set a very high standard for military/political thrillers, and his 1984 novel The Hunt for Red October remains one of the best military thrillers ever. His latest (and presumably final) book - Command Authority...

Wondering what books your library staff personally recommend? Just take a look at the Staff Picks display near the audiobooks. Here's a sample of what's there now. The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman Home to Harmony by Phil Gulley Ballad of the Whiskey Robber by Julian Rubinstein Baghdad Without...

It's Banned Books Week, which is a time of year that I truly enjoy. I love running down the list of top 100 Challenged and Banned Books on the ALA website and mentally checking off the books I've read and the ones I've yet to...

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is a fast paced action-adventure story set in a future dystopic America, complete with shanty-town-skyscrapers made from mobile homes and armored bus service between cities to guard against roving bands of highwaymen and thieves. Good stuff in and of...

If you've never visited the campus of Butler University and enjoyed an evening at the Holcomb Observatory, you really should! It's free (though they do suggest a donation) and fun, and on a clear night, the observatory's telescope will be directed at Venus, Saturn, Jupiter...

July has some great new books coming out that readers will be looking forward to reading. New books by Alex Kava and Daniel Silva I highly recommend to readers. Silva’s is titled The English Girl and Kiva’s is Stranded. I am...

Spring is such a beautiful time of year with everything turning green and starting to bloom!  Stuart Woods new book is titled UnintendedConsequences.  Daddy’s Gone a Hunting by Mary Higgins Clark, and Protector by C. J. Cherryh are also new arrivals..  Other new books by Nora...

The library has over 100,000 books in its collection and thousands more at other libraries in the Evergreen Indiana consortium! Let us help you find that next great read or use some of our databases - like eSequels - to browse through authors, their series...

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