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teen resources Tag

Do you want to go abroad, see the world, or even take a simple vacation? Would you like to communicate with a coworker or neighbor in their native tongue? Language is all around us every day, but, shockingly, only 20% of Americans report being able...

Want to learn more about cars? If you are looking to get your first car, but don't know what to look for in a vehicle, the library has resources for you. If you want to keep your vehicle in tip-top shape, the library has resources...

Teens looking for help with writing a resume or other job questions can access several resources from the library! Reference USA First, you can access Reference USA at the link above, or by going to the Digital Resources section of PGTPL’s website. Under job resources, you can...

How does a platform made by teens, for teens sound? Teen Ink has it covered! Teen Ink is a national teen magazine and website that encourages expression and creativity by publishing self-submitted writing, photos, and art. The website houses tons of content across a variety...

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