24 Oct Veterans Aid & Attendance Pension Benefit Seminar at the Library
Join us for this FREE Seminar on Tuesday, November 7 from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Library
Learn if you qualify for a special veterans benefit up to $1789 per month, TAX FREE. Have you served in the military or do you know someone who has? Do you (or they) know about the Veterans Aid & Attendance Pension Benefit? The veterans benefit is a federal assistance program offering a monthly benefit payment from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Join us for this 90-minute informative meeting explaining the type of benefits and learn if you are eligible, and if you qualify for coverage.
The benefit is paid as a tax-free monthly income to the veteran or surviving spouse, not the care provider, and the funds may be used for medical care and medical expenses.
Registration is suggested but not required. (317) 839-6602